So, without further adieu, this is my crazy Hypothesis of Everything. For now, I'll nickname it "F-Theory".
The Stuff We're Made Of
The first thing you need to know is that I'm a monist, meaning that I believe everything that exists is comprised of a single substance. If I'm wrong about this it could change everything, but I don't see how two or more basic substances could even interact. It seems absurd to me that multiple base substances would even be affected by the other's existence. This is why I lean strongly towards monism, though my reasoning is admittedly subjective.
I haven't really settled on a name to call this base substance. Over the years that I've played with the idea I've called it "flux", "mana", "fluid", and various other things. For now, I will just abbreviate it as "F".
F has numerous significant properties. F is not inherently quantized in that it can be divided into infinitely small portions. F is conserved, as it cannot be created or destroyed. F is not inherently constrained by things like space, time, speed, etc; F is constantly vibrating, flowing, and changing. And because it is, by default, not constrained by time, space, and speed this means that F can take on many forms at once. A system comprised of F can seem to have everything happen at once because everything IS happening at once. This is where superposition arises from. It's also where properties like spin come from because F literally has no speed.
F vibrates at an arbitrary frequency. I say "arbitrary" but that isn't exactly right. Without time, space, or speed to give the concept of frequency any meaning it's vibrations are simply what they are. It is from these vibrations that time, space, speed, and even probability arise. Note that speed is just a function of time and space, so we arrive at 3 basic types of dimensions here: time dimensions, space dimensions, and probability dimensions. More on those and how they come about later.
Just as with any wave pattern, the vibrations of F form interference patterns. Where they meet, they form peaks and troughs, all of which take on lower frequencies than the original pattern, as the original pattern exists without speed and is unattainably high. This flow of F and F waves could be called an F-field.
F does not merely flow about willy-nilly but collects with other bits of F into clumps. These clumps become the particles we know and love and give rise to quantization. Each particle is something like a whirlpool in a body of water, except it's comprised of F. The F flows in and out of it freely, but the particle forms as the result of its movements. This also affects the wave patterns of F surrounding the particle.
Rise of Dimensions
The flow of F between the particles and the interference patterns which form between them is where we get space. This is the medium by which F particles interact with one another. The number of dimensions of space you have are determined by the dimensions the F is flowing and are possibly infinite in their potential number. Distance is given meaning by the wave patterns of F which exist between particles. The changing form of these wave patterns can create distortions in space. Note that, without these wave patterns defining the spatial dimension, things like "flat" or "curved" would have absolutely no meaning. Outside of these patterns, there is no space, no time, no dimension whatsoever. It's not even empty. It's null.
Time comes about by the particle's interactions with themselves and other adjacent particles. While F moves so fast as to appear static (where again, "fast" isn't even really the right word), as it flows in and out of particles it causes them to change, both internally and relative to the entire F field. This change creates both motion and the time dimension.
Probability arises because F can potentially be everywhere at once and do many things at once without the constraint of time. It can exist in many superposed states at one time. This is where the wave function comes from. It allows particles to have many types of indirect interactions at once, even with themselves. But when a quantized particle has a direct exchange with another quantized particle it causes them to "snap" to a specific and definite form for the interaction. This is what we call wave function collapse.
Note that, as a result of all of this, space, time, and probability exist relative to F. F, and the particles derived thereof, are not suspended in space, time, or probability as if they were some sort of medium. It is their existence and interactions which define space, time, and probability. F itself is its own medium.
Enter Relativity
The speed of light needs to be addressed at this point. "c", in this scheme, is a derived constant. It comes from what I call the "F constant". And the F constant is simply the frequency at which the underlying F-field vibrates. It is the vibrations of this field which create interactions, motion, space, time, probability, etc; This vibration rate could be compared to the frequency of a CPU and the universe thought of as a computer. "c" is simply a result of the fastest rate at which the F-field can process information at its frequency of vibration. Note that, while this frequency, as I said before, has no inherent meaning as far as speed, space, time, etc; now that we have derived space, time, and speed from it, we can potentially give it a relative measurement. Also note that, at this point in my hypothesizing, I have no idea how to calculate or even estimate this. Yeah, I know, there are holes.
Relativistic effects arise in a similar way. All dimensions, whether space, time, or probability, derive from F-field vibrations based on the F constant. As such, there is a limited amount of "processing power" to go around in any given physical system. The more of that processing power is devoted to movement through space, the less of it will be devoted to movement through time. That is, time will slow down as speed increases, and vice versa. Probability likely plays a role in here too, but I don't yet have the means to address it properly and with any hope of accuracy.
Force is, of course, simply the property of influence and interaction which F has on particles. Energy, which I define as what exists or happens, or the potential for something to exist or happen, is simply a base property of F which manifests in everything derived from it. It would be accurate to say that F is synonymous with energy, though in a broader sense than we know energy. As energy causes things to exist and happen in conventional physics models, so F does in this hypothesis. As energy is conserved, so is F, though energy as we know it can be created or destroyed through manipulation of F (this is consistent with observations of energy being "destroyed" through the expansion of space). And, as energy is carried in waves through frequency, and higher frequencies are associated with higher energy, so F transmits its influence through vibrations.
Different types of forces and fields arise as different patterns in the F-field. One set of patterns may account for electromagnetism, another for the strong force, and another for the weak force, but they are all vibrations in a single fundamental field. This is why forces unify at higher energy levels, because frequency increases as energy increases, and their varying vibrational patterns sync up and become similar at higher energy levels because the difference between them decreases as they all approach the same limit of the F constant. This is sort of like what you see when you take a bunch of different colors in graphical software and begin dialing up their brightness. The closer they approach to white (their upper limit), the less distinct they become until some hues that began as very distinct colors become completely indistinguishable. Gravity is the black sheep of the family of forces, which is why it has been so uncooperative in being unified with the other forces, but I will address that later.
Bosons, Fermions, and Gravity
Fermions and bosons arise as different types of particles because they are different types of "whirlpools" in the F-field. Changing the analogy to one of weather, a boson might be likened to a gust of wind while a fermion might be likened to a tornado or hurricane. The F within a boson is a directional burst which traverses the F-field at a speed as close to c as can be achieved as this is the natural speed at which F particles typically move unless something inhibits them.
Fermions, however, do not move at c because they are too busy doing other things. Recall what I said earlier about the vibrational rate of the F-field, the F constant, being likened to a CPU's processing rate. Fermions have mass, take up space, and are generally up to a lot of things that bosons are not. This is why I liken fermions more to a tornado or hurricane in the last analogy. The F within them is not directional, at least not outwardly. That F may be given a directional momentum through interactions, and, in fact, all fermions have such momentum as nothing is truly "still", but the sum of the vectors of the F within the fermion are not synchronized as they are in the boson. And, because the fermion is busy interacting with so many different fields, including the Higgs field, while pushing away other fermions through their own interactions, this means that accelerating one to the speed of light is impossible as there is no way for the F within it to process that level of motion as well as its other interactions.
Charge, such as electric charge and color charge, have to do with the vibrational patterns of these fermions and what ambient patterns in the F-field they interfere and interact with. Likewise, these patterns also determine what sorts of bosons these fermions can emit, just like the length of a string on an instrument determines what sorts of vibrations it will emit when plucked.
And this is where we need to bring up gravitons. They are unique compared to the other bosons, and this is why quantum gravity has been so problematic. Remember how I said some time back that space is formed by the flow of F between particles? Gravitons, I believe, are the primary conveyors of that flow. Remember, F doesn't just flow around willy-nilly, it clumps. Gravitons are the most basic clumps. And this also makes the graviton the fundamental boson associated with the F-field, which in turn makes the F-field synonymous with both the gravitational field and space itself. The difficulty in unifying gravity with the other fundamental forces lies in how different it is from those forces.
Since space, time, and probability are all linked together as dimensions, gravity becomes the fulcrum on which these dimensions rest. Gravity distorts space-time because gravity is space-time. Waves in the gravitational field amount to a distortion of space-time.
Miscellaneous Stuff
F-Theory provides a possible explanation for dark energy. Dark energy is caused by the interactions of the F-field pushing against itself within the universe, with nothing outside of the universe to push back. That is, it's like putting a filled balloon in a vacuum chamber. If what is external to the universe is null, then the null provides no resistance to the expansion of the universe. Thus, the pressures of the F-field cause the universe to expand. And for those concerned that the universe will someday "pop" like that balloon, I would suggest that this is the very end that our universe will eventually have. A big rip, when the fabric of the universe, the F-field, can no longer maintain its structural integrity and the connection between particles are severed. This is very hypothetical upon hypothetical, of course.
I do not know if F-theory will require the "curled up" dimensions which string theory demands, but it certainly leaves the possibility open. F-theory allows for an unlimited number of potential dimensions.
If anyone notices that I didn't mention symmetry in all of this, that was deliberate. While my conception of F-theory would give the F-field a property of symmetry, the question of "where's all the antimatter?" and some of the possible explanations that have been posed make me want to explore that subject further before trying to go into details on it.
The origin of the universe is something else I purposely didn't mention, and for three reasons. First, it really needs its own article to be addressed properly. Second, it gets into the subject of whether or not God exists, which again, needs its own article to be addressed properly, and I don't want that controversial topic to take away from anything I've said here thus far. And third, there is some new evidence, ideas, and possibilities that have come to my attention recently that I need to consider before I can properly address this.
Things I don't have a good explanation for, at least not yet, include dark matter, singularities, and the Higgs Field. I can see how explanations for these might potentially arise from F-Theory, but I have not found explanations for them that I find satisfactory enough to expound upon.
I need to emphasize that F-theory contrasts with typical thinking, both in physics and by the lay-person, in many ways. It is an emergentist and anti-hierarchical theory. It envisions a universe that is built from the bottom up, starting with the tiniest bits of stuff which, through their simple nature, cause all of the laws of physics, mathematics, and logic to come about as emergent properties. No laws are forced onto the universe from the top down, but neither is the whole merely the sum of its parts. F-theory means everything is connected, yet everything is individual. Everything is part of a whole and yet each part exists in its own right due to its own nature. F-theory contradicts both holistic and reductionist approaches to science and everything.
Final Thoughts
I want to reiterate that everything above is a hypothesis. It is untested. What's more, I lack the mathematical prowess to even quantify it properly. I am an amateur without formal training. Any "calculations" that have been done have been done in my mind through processes that could be called dynamically geometric at best. I am not claiming that this hypothesis is true. I am simply posing it as a very imprecise and incomplete hypothesis.
I would very much like to explore this hypothesis, but I currently lack the means to do so. Without a sufficient mastery of mathematics, I cannot even write it down in a proper format, calculate its implications formally, and compare the results to existing data. Without doing that, I cannot design experiments to test the hypothesis. And without doing that, my hypothesis is stuck in hypothesis hell.
But, if there is a possibility that even a fraction of what I've proposed here is accurate, I don't want it to be lost due to my inability to pursue it. Therefore, I've put it all down here. Perhaps someone will find someday that it was right. Perhaps it will be proven wrong. Perhaps it will inspire someone. Or, if nothing else, perhaps it will help someone see things from a different angle instead of being caught up in the same theories that have been tossed about by physicists. Maybe, 100 years from now when a unified field theory has been formulated, someone will find this and have a good laugh.
Feedback, as always, is welcome.
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